No Te Rindas Alex Ubago Translation Meaning and Lyrics

Song Meaning

'No Te Rindas' means 'Do not give up' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Alex Ubago' human translated here by a native speaker.

Cloudlingo Script Video

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Lyrics and Translations

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Song is in Spanish which is has full support in the Cloudlingo system. Use the controls below to turn on and off different views of the lyrics and their translations.

Display: Lyrics Word by Word Translations Aligned Translations Free Translations

Test: Typing Test; click in the text boxes on each line and start typing the words! Speech Test; click the links and then say the words!

Lingo Script Icons

Line 1
Original Lyrics: Agosto va pasando, sediento, cansado

Typing Test:     ,   ,  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: August is passing thirsty tired

Free Translation: August is passing, thirsty, tired

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 2
Original Lyrics: Y en su mente algo le dice

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: And in his mind something tells him

Free Translation: And in his mind something tells him

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 3
Original Lyrics: Los días que has vivido quedaron de lado

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: The days you've lived are left aside

Free Translation: The days you've lived are left aside

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 4
Original Lyrics: Para ver cómo decides

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: To see how you decide

Free Translation: To see how you decide

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 5
Original Lyrics: No te pares a buscar caminos que no tienen final

Typing Test:                  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't stop to look for paths that have no end

Free Translation: Don't stop to look for paths that have no end

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 6
Original Lyrics: Escucha siempre a tu corazón y él te guiará

Typing Test:                

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Always listen to your heart and he will guide you

Free Translation: Always listen to your heart and he will guide you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 7
Original Lyrics: ¿Y qué más le da si quiere volar

Typing Test: ¿              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: and what else does it matter to him if he wants to fly

Free Translation: And what can he do if he wants to fly

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 8
Original Lyrics: Pero cortan sus alas al despegar?

Typing Test:           ?

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: But they clip their wings on takeoff

Free Translation: But they clip his wings on takeoff?

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 9
Original Lyrics: No te caigas, no desistas

Typing Test:     ,    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't fall, don't give up

Free Translation: Don't fall, don't give up

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 10
Original Lyrics: Vuela alto, no te rindas

Typing Test:   ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Fly high don't give up

Free Translation: Fly high, don't give up

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 11
Original Lyrics: ¿Qué más le da si quiere soñar

Typing Test: ¿            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: What can he do if he wants to dream

Free Translation: What can he do if he wants to dream

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 12
Original Lyrics: Pero cierran sus ojos al despertar?

Typing Test:           ?

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: But they close his eyes on takeoff

Free Translation: But do they close their eyes when they wake up?

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 13
Original Lyrics: No permitas que tu vida

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't let that your life

Free Translation: Don't let your life

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 14
Original Lyrics: Pierda el fuego que tenía

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Lose the fire that he had

Free Translation: Lose the fire that it had

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 15
Original Lyrics: Ahora que se ha ido, se siente perdido

Typing Test:         ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Now he is gone, he feels he feels lost

Free Translation: Now that he's gone, he feels lost

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 16
Original Lyrics: No es sencillo echar de menos

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It is not easy to miss

Free Translation: It is not easy to miss someone

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 17
Original Lyrics: Su vida ha dado un giro, ya nada es lo mismo

Typing Test:           ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: His life has taken a turn , nothing is the same anymore

Free Translation: His life has taken a turn, nothing is the same anymore

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 18
Original Lyrics: Pero nadie dijo miedo

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: But no one said afraid

Free Translation: But no one is afraid

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 19
Original Lyrics: No te sientas solo en ese infierno que viste de ciudad

Typing Test:                    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't feel alone in that hell that looks like a city

Free Translation: Don't feel alone in that hell that looks like a city

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 20
Original Lyrics: Aquí te estaremos esperando, no mires hacia atrás

Typing Test:       ,        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: We'll be waiting for you here do not look back

Free Translation: We'll be waiting for you here, don't look back

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 21
Original Lyrics: ¿Y qué más le da si quiere volar

Typing Test: ¿              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: and what else does it matter to him if he wants to fly

Free Translation: And what can he do if he wants to fly

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 22
Original Lyrics: Pero cortan sus alas al despegar?

Typing Test:           ?

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: But they clip their wings on takeoff

Free Translation: But they clip his wings on takeoff?

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 23
Original Lyrics: No te caigas, no desistas

Typing Test:     ,    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't fall, don't give up

Free Translation: Don't fall, don't give up

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 24
Original Lyrics: Vuela alto, no te rindas

Typing Test:   ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Fly high don't give up

Free Translation: Fly high, don't give up

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 25
Original Lyrics: ¿Qué más le da si quiere soñar

Typing Test: ¿            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: What can he do if he wants to dream

Free Translation: What can he do if he wants to dream

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 26
Original Lyrics: Pero cierran sus ojos al despertar?

Typing Test:           ?

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: But they close his eyes on takeoff

Free Translation: But do they close their eyes when they wake up?

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 27
Original Lyrics: No permitas que tu vida

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't let that your life

Free Translation: Don't let your life

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 28
Original Lyrics: Pierda el fuego que tenía

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Lose the fire that he had

Free Translation: Lose the fire you had

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 29
Original Lyrics: No te pares a buscar caminos que no tienen final

Typing Test:                  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't stop to look for paths that have no end

Free Translation: Don't stop to look for paths that have no end

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 30
Original Lyrics: Aquí te estaremos esperando, no mires hacia atrás

Typing Test:       ,        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: We'll be waiting for you here do not look back

Free Translation: We'll be waiting for you here, don't look back

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 31
Original Lyrics: ¿Y qué más le da si quiere volar

Typing Test: ¿              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: and what else does it matter to him if he wants to fly

Free Translation: And what can he do if he wants to fly

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 32
Original Lyrics: Pero cortan sus alas al despegar?

Typing Test:           ?

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: But they clip their wings on takeoff

Free Translation: But they clip his wings on takeoff?

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 33
Original Lyrics: No te caigas, no desistas

Typing Test:     ,    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't fall, don't give up

Free Translation: Don't fall, don't give up

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 34
Original Lyrics: Vuela alto, no te rindas

Typing Test:   ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Fly high don't give up

Free Translation: Fly high, don't give up

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 35
Original Lyrics: ¿Qué más le da si quiere soñar

Typing Test: ¿            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: What can he do if he wants to dream

Free Translation: What can he do if he wants to dream

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 36
Original Lyrics: Pero cierran sus ojos al despertar?

Typing Test:           ?

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: But they close his eyes on takeoff

Free Translation: But do they close their eyes when they wake up?

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 37
Original Lyrics: No permitas que tu vida

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't let that your life

Free Translation: Don't let your life

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 38
Original Lyrics: Pierda el fuego que tenía

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Lose the fire that he had

Free Translation: Lose the fire you had

Lingo Script Icons:


This song starts by mentioning that time can pass fast, and we must make decisions.

He advises a friend not to waste time and never give up. Even though people will always be against him, he should keep trying.

The room has a lot of pictures hanging on the walls. The video shows the artist singing in a dark place, watching some scenes of his life, then he stands up and continues singing with his band in the back. It does not relate so much with the lyrics about never giving up, which is not a usual topic in his songs.

He advises a friend not to waste time and never give up. Even though people will always be against him, he should keep trying.

The room has a lot of pictures hanging on the walls. The video shows the artist singing in a dark place, watching some scenes of his life, then he stands up and continues singing with his band in the back. It does not relate so much with the lyrics about never giving up, which is not a usual topic in his songs.

There are not any explicit themes.

 It is a fast tempo song. It makes you feel enthusiastic.

Spanish learners can learn some grammar as present simple, perfect, and especially imperatives.

Alex Ubago Instagram


Submitted by user: ANDRESFREELANCER

Average Ratings

Most people find the song lyrics very easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung very fast and it has hard to remember verbs and nouns

Many words used are not in common daily usage.RAE

No Te Rindas has 130 BPM (beats per minute)


RAE Based on a median word frequency of 11062 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)

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