All Spanish words and Parts of Speech

Examples of the use of the Spanish word '?' as a Punctuation mark

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'a' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'à' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'a pesar de' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'a veces' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abajo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abatido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abdominal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abecedario' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abierta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abiertos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abismo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abono' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abrazo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abrazos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abrigadas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abrigo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abril' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'absurdo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'abuela' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'acá' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'acaso' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'acción' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aceituna' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aceleración' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'acera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'acero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'acomodado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'actitud' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'adefesio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'además' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'adentro' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'adentro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'adiós' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'adiós' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'adonde' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'adrenalina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aeropuerto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'afán' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aflicción' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'afortunado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'África' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'afuera' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'agosto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'agua' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aguacate' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aguas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aguja' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Agustín' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ah' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ahí' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ahora' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ahorcados' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aire' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aires' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Aitana' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ajá' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'al' as a Contraction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'al fin' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alba' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'albino' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Alcalá' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alcohol' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alegría' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alegrías' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alfombra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'algarabía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'algo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'algo' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alguien' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'algún' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'algún día' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alguna' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'algunas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'algunos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aliadas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aliento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alimaña' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alimento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alivio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'allá' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'allí' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alma' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'almacén' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'almas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'almohada' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alrededor' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Altagracia' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'altar' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'alto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'altura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amanecer' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amaneceres' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amante' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amantes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amargo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amargos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amargos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amargura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amarillo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amazónica' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ambos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'América' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amiga' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amigas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amigo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amigos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amistad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'amores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'anatomía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ancla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'andén' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Andes' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ángel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ángeles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'anhelo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'anillos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'animal' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'año' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'anoche' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'años' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ansia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ansias' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ansiedad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ante' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'anteanoche' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'anteayer' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'antes' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'antes' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'antídoto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'antojos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aparentemente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aparte' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'apasionadas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'apellido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'apenas' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'apresurado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'apretado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'apuesta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquel' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquel' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquél' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquella' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquella' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquellas' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquello' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquellos' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aqui' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aquí' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'arcoíris' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'área' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'arena' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'armiño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'armónico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aroma' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'arrabales' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'arrepentido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'arriba' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'arroz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'arte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'artificial' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'asesina' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'asesinados' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'así' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aspirina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'asunto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'atajo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'atardecer' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'atardeceres' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'atención' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'atenta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'atmosférica' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'atrás' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'atrevida' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'audiencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aun' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aún' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aunque' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ausencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ausente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'auténtico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'autogol' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ave' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aventura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aviones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'aviso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'avispas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ay' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ayer' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ayer' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ayuda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'azar' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'azúcar' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'azul' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'azul' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'azules' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'baby' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bachata' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bachateros' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'background' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bacteria' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bailarina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bajas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bajo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bajo' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bambú' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'banco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bandera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bandido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bando' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bandolera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bandoneón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'baño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bar' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'barata' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'baratos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Barcelona' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'barco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'barcos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'barra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'barril' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'barrio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'base' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bastante' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'basura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'batalla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bebé' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bebida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bebidas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'belga' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bellacos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'belleza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bendiciones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bendita' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bendito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'beso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'besos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bestia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bicho' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bici' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bicicleta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bien' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bien' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bikini' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bilirrubina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'billetes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'blanca' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'blancas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'blanco' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Blanco' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'blazer' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'boba' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'boca' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'boda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'boliviano' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bolsillo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bolsillos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bonita' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bonitas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bonito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'boricuas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'borracho' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bostezo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Boston' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'botas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bote' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'botella' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'botellas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'botón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Brasil' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bravo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'brazos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'brillante' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'brillos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'brindis' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'brisa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'broma' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'brújula' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bruto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'buen' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'buena' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'buenas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'bueno' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'buenos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'burbujas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'burdel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'busca' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'buzón de voz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caballero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cabello' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cabeza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cabizbajo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cabrón' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cabrón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cabrones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cachete' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cada' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cadera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caderas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'café' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caguama' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caídos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caja' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cajón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'calé' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'calendario' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caliente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'callada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'calle' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'callejero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'callejón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'callo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'calma' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'calor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caluroso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cama' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cámaras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cambio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'camino' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'camisa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'campesina' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'campesinos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'campo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'can' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caña' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Canadá' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'canallas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'canasta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cañaveral' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'canción' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'canciones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'candado' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'candela' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'canela' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cangrejos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cansado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'canto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'canvas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'capa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'capacidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'capaz' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'capaz' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'capítulo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'capullos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cara' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cara' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caradura' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carajo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Caribe' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caricia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cariño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cariñosamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carita' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carnaval' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carne' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carrera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carretera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carros' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'carta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cartas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cárteles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cartera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cartón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'casa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'casada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'casi' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'casitas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'caso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'castaña' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'castigada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'castigo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'casualidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'catéter' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'causa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cautivo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cayenas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cazadores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'celador' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'celos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'celoso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'celular' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cemento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cena' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cenizas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cerca' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cerdos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cerveza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cervezas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'champagne' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'charco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'charol' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cheques' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Chernóbil' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chica' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chica' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chicos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chiquillo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chiquitita' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chiquito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chispas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chiste' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chivo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'chocolate' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ciega' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ciego' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cielo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cielos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ciencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cientos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cierto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cierto' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cigarro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cima' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cinco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cinco' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cincuenta' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cínico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cintura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cinturón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cirugía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cita' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ciudad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'civil' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clara' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clarito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'claro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'claro' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clase' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clases' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clave' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clica' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cliché' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clichés' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clima' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'clóset' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'club' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cobardes' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coca' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coche' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cocina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coincidencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cola' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cola de caballo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'colección' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'colegio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cólera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'colgado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'colibrí' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'colina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Colombia' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'color' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'comida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'comienzo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'como' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'como' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'como' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cómo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cómo' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cómo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'compa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'compañera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'compañía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'compartida' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'compartido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'compartidos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'compasión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'competencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'completa' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cómplice' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cómplices' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'comportamiento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'con' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'conciencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'conciertos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cóndor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'conexión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'conflicto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'confusión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'conmigo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'conmovedor' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'consejos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'conserva' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'consumo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'contacto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'contento' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'contienda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'contigo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'continente' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'contra' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'contraluz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'contrario' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'control' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'convexo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'copas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'copia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coqueta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coqueteo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'corales' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coraza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'corazón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'corazones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cordillera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cordura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coronel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'correcto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'corridos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'corto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cosa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cosas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cositas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'costumbre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'coyotes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cráter' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'credo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'crema' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'crisálidas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cristal' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cristiana' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Cristo' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cruces' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cruel' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cruz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuadernos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuál' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cualquier' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cualquiera' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cualquiera' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuan' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuando' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuando' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuándo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuántas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuanto' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuánto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuánto' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuantos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuántos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuarenta' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuartel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuarto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuatro' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Cuba' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cucaracha' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuchillo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cucú' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuello' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuenta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuentas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuentos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuerda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuerno' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuerpecito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuerpo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuerpos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuidado' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuidado' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuidadoso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'culebra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'culito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'culo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'culpa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'culpable' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'culpable' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cumbia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cumpleaños' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cuna' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'cura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'curado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dama' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dandi' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'daño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'danza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'de' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'de más' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'de nuevo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'de pronto' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'de repente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'debajo' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dedicatoria' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dedo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dedos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'delante' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'deleite' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'delicado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'delincuente' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'delirante' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'demás' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'demás' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'demasiadas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'demasiado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'demasiado' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'demente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dentro' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'deporte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'depresión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'derecho' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'derecho' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'derrota' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desaparecido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desaparecido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desaparecidos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desaparecidos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desarrollo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desayuno' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'descalzo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'descanso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'descomplicado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'descomunal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desde' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desempeño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desencantos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desengaño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desenlace' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'deseo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'deseos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desesperación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desesperado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desfile' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desgracia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desierto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desilusión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desnuda' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desnudo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desobediente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desolación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desorden' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desorientadas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'despacio' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'despedida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'despedidas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'despertar' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'despiadado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'despido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'despierto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'despues' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'después' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'destino' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'destrozado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'destrucción' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'desván' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'detalle' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'detalles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'detrás' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'día' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diablo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diablos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diamante' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diario' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dias' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'días' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diciembre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dictadura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dientes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diez' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diferente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'difícil' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'difíciles' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'difunto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dimensión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dinero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Dios' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diosa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dioses' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dirección' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'directo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'disco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'discoteca' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'disculpa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'discurso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'disimulo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'distancia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'distantes' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'distintas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'distracción' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'distraída' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'distraído' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diva' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'diversión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'divina' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'divinidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dizque' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'do' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'doce' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'doctor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'documentos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dolor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dolores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'domingo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'don' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'doña' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'donde' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'donde' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dónde' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dónde' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dondequiera' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dorado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dormido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dorsal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dos' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dramas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'droga' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'drogadictos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'drogado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'duda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'duelo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dueño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dulce' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dulcemente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'dura' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'durante' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'duro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'e' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'eco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'edad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'efímero' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ego' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'eh' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'el' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'él' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'elegante' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ella' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ellas' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ello' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ellos' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'embriagado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'embrujo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'emigrantes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'emoción' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'emociones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'empapada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'en' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enamorada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enamoradas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'encendida' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'encendidas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enciclopedia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'encima' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'encontrado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'encuentro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enemigo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enemigo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enfermedad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enfermería' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enfermo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'engaño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'engreído' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enorme' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enormes' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'enormidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Enrique' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'entera' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'entero' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'entonces' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'entre' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'envidiosas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'equipaje' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Ernesto' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'errante' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'error' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'errores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esa' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esa' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ésa' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esas' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ésas' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escala' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escena' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escéptico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esclavo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escondido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escopeta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escoria' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escote' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escrito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escritos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'escuela' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ese' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ese' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ése' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esmalte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esmero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'eso' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esos' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espacio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espalda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espectro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espejo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esperanza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espinas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espíritu' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'espíritus' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esporádicos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esposa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esposo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esquemas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esquina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esta' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ésta' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estampa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estas' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'este' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'éste' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'esto' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estos' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estrella' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estrella fugaz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estrellada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estrellas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estrés' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estudiado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estudiante' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'estúpido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'eterna' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'eternamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'eternidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'eterno' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'evidente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'evidentemente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ex' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ex' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'exacta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'exactamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'excusa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'exiliado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'exiliados' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'experiencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'explicación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'explosiones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'expresiones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'extranjero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'extraño' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'extraño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ey' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fábrica' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'facha' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fácil' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Facundo' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'falda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'falso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'falsos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'falta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'faltas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fama' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fans' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fantasía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fantasías' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fantasma' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fantasmas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'farol' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fatal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'favor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'favorita' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fe' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'febril' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fechoría' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'felices' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'felicidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'felicitaciones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'feliz' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'feo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'feria' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'festivo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fiebre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fiera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fieras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fiesta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fiestas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'filosofía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fin' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fin de semana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'final' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'final' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'finde' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fines de semana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'firmamento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'firme' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'físico' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'flan' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'flecha' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'flechazo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'floja' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'flor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'flores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'flow' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'foco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fogata' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fondo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'forma' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'forro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fortaleza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fortuna' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'foto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fotografía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fotos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fragancia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'frágiles' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fragilidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Francia' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'frenos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'frente' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'frijoles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'frío' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'frío' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'frontera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fuego' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fuera' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fuerte' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fuerte' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fuerza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'fumada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'función' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'funda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'furioso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'furtivo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'futuro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gafas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ganadas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ganas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gasolina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gata' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gatas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gato' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gatos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gaveta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gaviotas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'géneros' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gente' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gesto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gigantes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gitana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gitano' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gloria' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'goles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'golosina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'golpe' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gonorrea' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gordito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gota' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gozo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gracia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gran' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'grande' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'grandes' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'griega' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'grieta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gris' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gris' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'grises' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'grito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gritos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'grupo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'guapa' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'guardia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Guatemala' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'guerra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'guerras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'guerrera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'guerrilla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'guitarra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'gusto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'habitación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hábito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hace' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hacia' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hala' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hambre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hasta' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hasta' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Hawái' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hecha' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hecho' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hechos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hechos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'heladas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hembra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'herida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'heridas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'heridas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hermana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hermano' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hermanos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'héroe' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hey' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hiedra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hiena' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hierba' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hijito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hijo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hijos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hipotéticas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hippie' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'historia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'historias' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hogar' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hojas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hola' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hombre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hombres' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hombro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hondo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'honesto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hora' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'horario' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'horarios' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'horas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'horizonte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hospital' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hotel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hoteles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hoy' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hueco' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'huella' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'hueso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'huesos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'humilde' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'humo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'humor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'huracán' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'huraño' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'I' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'idioma' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'idiota' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Iglesias' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'igual' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'igual' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'iguales' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ilógico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'iluminado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ilusión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ilusiones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'imagen' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'imaginación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'imborrable' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'imitaciones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'impaciencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'impacto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'importante' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'imposible' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'imprescindible' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'incertidumbre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'incondicional' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'increíbles' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'indiferencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'indiferente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'indio' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'infiel' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'infierno' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'infinito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'información' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'infrahumano' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Inglaterra' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inglés' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ingratos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inmediato' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inmundo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inocencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inocente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inquieto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inquietud' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inquietudes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inseguridades' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inseguro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'insensata' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inseparable' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'insólito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'insomnio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inspiración' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'instante' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'insulina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'intelectual' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inteligencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inteligente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'intensamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'intenso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'intento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'interior' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'intestinos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inútil' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'invasiones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'invencible' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'inventado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'invierno' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'invisible' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'invitación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'invitados' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ironía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'isla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Ismael' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ja' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jamás' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jangueo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jardín' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jardinera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jeans' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jersey' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Jesús' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jeva' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jodido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'joven' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Juanito' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jubilado' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'juego' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'juez' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'jugo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'juguete' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'juguetes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'juntitos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'junto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'junto' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'juntos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'juramento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'juramentos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'justicia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'justo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'justo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'karate' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'kilómetros' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'la' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'la' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'laberinto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'labios' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lado' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lados' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ladrón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ladrona' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lagos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lágrima' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lágrimas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lamento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lamparones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lápiz labial' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'largo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'las' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'las' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lascivo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lástima' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'latido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'latidos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'latino' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lazo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'le' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lejana' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lejos' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lentejuelas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lento' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'les' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'letra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ley' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'leyenda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'libertad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'libre' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'libreto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'libro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'libros' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lienzos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'liga' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ligera' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'like' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'limón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'limonada' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'limones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'limosinas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lince' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'linda' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lindo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'listo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'llagas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'llamada' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'llamas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'llanto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'llena' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lleno' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'llovizna' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lluvia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lo' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lo' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lo que sea' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lobo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'loca' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'locas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'loco' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'loco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'locos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'locura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'locuras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'locutora' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lógico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lola' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'loma' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lomo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'loquero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'loquito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'los' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'los' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lotería' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lucero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'luces' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lucha' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'luego' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lugar' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lugares' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lujo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'luna' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Luna' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lunares' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lunas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'lunes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'luto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'luz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'macabro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'machete' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'madre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Madrid' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'madrileño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'madrugada' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'madrugadas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'magdalenas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'magia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mágico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mago' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mahón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mal' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mal' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mala' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maldita' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maldito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maldito' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'males' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maleta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maletas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'malicia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'malo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'malos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maltrato' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'malva' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mamá' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mamacita' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mambo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mami' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mamón' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'man' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maña' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mañana' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mañana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mañanas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'manantial' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'manecillas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'manera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mango' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'manías' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'manicomio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'manillas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maniquí' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mano' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'manos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mansión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mantel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'máquina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mar' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Maradona' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'maravilla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Marbella' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'marchas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'marea' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mares' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'María' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mariachi' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'marica' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'marido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'marihuana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'marina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Mario' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mariposas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Marruecos' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Marta' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'martes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'marzo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mas' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mas' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'más' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'más' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'más' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'masas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mata' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'matadores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'matemáticas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'matorrales' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'matrimonial' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mayor' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mayores' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'me' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'media' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'medias' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'médico' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'medida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'medidas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'medio' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'medio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mejilla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mejor' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mejor' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'melado' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'melodía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'memes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'memoria' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'memorias' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'menores' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'menos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'menos' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'menos' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mensaje' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mente' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mentira' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mentiras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'menú' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'merca' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Mercedes' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mercenario' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'meses' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'metal' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'México' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mi' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word '' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mía' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mías' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'miedo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'miedos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'miel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mientras' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mientras' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'miércoles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mierda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mil' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'milagro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'milagros' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'miles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'millón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mimosa' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'minifalda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mío' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mío' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mirada' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'miradas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mis' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'misiles' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'misión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'misma' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mismas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mismo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mismo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mismos' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'misterio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'misteriosas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mitad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'modales' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'modelo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'modo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mojado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'momento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'momentos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'monotonía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'monstruo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'montaña' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'montañas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'monte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'montón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'montones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'moraleja' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'morena' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mortal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mortales' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mostrador' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'motivos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'moto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'motociclista' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'motores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mozo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mucha' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muchacha' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muchachito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muchacho' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muchachos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muchas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muchas' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mucho' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mucho' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mucho' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muchos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mueca' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muelle' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muerte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muestras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mujer' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mujeres' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mundial' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mundo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muñecas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muralla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'música' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mutante' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mutilada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'mutilado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'muy' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nacido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nada' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nada' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nadie' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nalgas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'narcogobiernos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'narguile' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nariz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'natural' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'naturaleza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'náufrago' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'navajas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nave' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Navidad' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'necesario' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'negocio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'negra' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'negra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'negras' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'negrita' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'negro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nena' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nené' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nervios' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ni' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ni' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'niebla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nieve' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'niña' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ningún' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ninguna' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ninguno' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'niño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'niños' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'no' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nobleza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'noche' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'noches' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nomás' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nombre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'normal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'norte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nos' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nosotros' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nota' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'notas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'noticia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'noticias' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'novela' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'noviembre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'novio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nube' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nubes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuestra' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuestra' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuestras' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuestro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuestro' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuestros' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuevamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nueve' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuevo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nuevos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'número' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nunca' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'nunca jamás' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'o' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oasis' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'obra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'obsesión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ochenta' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oculta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'odio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oh' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oídos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ojalá' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ojitos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ojo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ojos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'okay' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ola' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'olas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'olmos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'olor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'olvido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'once' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'operación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oportunidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'opresores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oración' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'orfanato' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'orgía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'orgullo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'original' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oruga' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'os' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oscura' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oscuras' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oscuridad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oscuro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'otoño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'otra' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'otra' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'otra vez' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'otras' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'otro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'otro' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'otros' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'outfit' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'oye' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pa' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pacas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paciencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paciente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pacos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'padre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'páginas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'país' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paja' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pájaro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pal' as a Contraction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'palabra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'palabras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'palabritas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'palestino' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'palmeras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'palo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'palomita' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pan' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pandillas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pantalla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pantalón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'papá' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'papel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'papi' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'par' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'para' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'para nada' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'para que' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'para siempre' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'parada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paraguas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paraíso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paramilitares' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paranoia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pared' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paredes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pareja' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'París' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'parque' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'párroco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'parte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'partida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'partido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'party' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pasado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pasado' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pasaje' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pasajero' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pasaporte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pasión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pasos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pastel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pastilla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'patas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pato' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'patria' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'patronal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'patrones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pausado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'payo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'paz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pecado' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pecera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pecho' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pechos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pedacito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pedazo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pedazos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pegada' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pegados' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pegante' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'peinadito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'películas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'peligrosas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pelo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pena' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'penas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pendiente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pensamiento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pensamientos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'penumbra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'peor' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pepa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pequeña' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pequeño' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pequeños' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'peras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perdedor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perdido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perdón' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perdón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perejil' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perfecta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perfectamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perfectas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perfecto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perfume' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'periodistas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perjudicial' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perlas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'permiso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pero' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'perro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'persecuciones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'persona' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'personal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'personas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Perú' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pesadilla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'peso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pestañas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pestañeo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'peste' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pétalos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'peyote' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pez' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'piba' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pícnic' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pie' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'piedad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'piedra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'piedras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'piel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pierna' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'piernas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pies' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pijo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pingüino' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pirata' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pista' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pistolón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'placer' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'planes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'planeta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'plata' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'plato' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'platos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'playa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'plena' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Plutón' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pobre' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pocas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poco' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poco' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poema' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poemas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poesía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poeta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'policía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'político' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'polizones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'polvo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'polvos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ponzoñosa' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pop' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poquito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'poquito' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'por' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'por eso' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'por favor' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'por fin' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'por qué' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'por si' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'por si acaso' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'porfa' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'porque' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'porqué' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'portal' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'portugués' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'porvenir' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'posible' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'posición' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'positivos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pozo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'preciosa' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'precisamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'precolombina' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'predecible' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pregunta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prenda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prendida' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prendido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'preocupación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'preocupante' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'preparado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'presencia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'presente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'presente' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'presidente' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'presidentes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'presión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'preso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'preso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prestado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'previo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'primavera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'primera' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'primero' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'primero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'primo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'princesa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'príncipe' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prisa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prisas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prisioneros' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'privada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'probable' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'problema' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'problemas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'problemáticos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'proceso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'profesión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'profunda' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'profundamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'profundo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prohibida' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'prohibido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'promesa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'promesas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pronto' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'propia' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'propio' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'protector' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Provenza' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'psiquiatra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'publicidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pueblo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'puerta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'puertas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pues' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'puesta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'puesto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'puestos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pulgadas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pulmones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pulque' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pum' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'puño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'punta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'punto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'pura' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'puro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'que' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'que' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'que' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'qué' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'qué' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'qué' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'qué tal' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quebrantos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quema' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quemado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quemarropa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'querer' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'querida' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'querida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quiebra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quien' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quién' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quieta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quieto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quilate' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'química' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'química' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quinto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quizá' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'quizás' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'radio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'radiografía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'raíz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rapero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rápido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'raras' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'raro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rascacielo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rasguños' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rastrero' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rastro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rata' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ratito' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rato' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rayo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rayos' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rayos X' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'razón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'reales' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'realidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'receta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'recetas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'recientemente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'recompensa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'récord' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'recuerdo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'recuerdos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'red' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'redada' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'redes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'redes sociales' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'reflejo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'reggae' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'reggaeton' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'reggaetón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'registradora' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'reguetón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rehén' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'reina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'relación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'relajada' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'relajado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'relámpagos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'religión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'reloj' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'remedio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rencor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'repente' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'repetido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'repleta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rescate' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'respeto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'respiración' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'respiratoria' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'resto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'retrovisor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'revista' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'revólver' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rey' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Rey' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rincón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'río' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Río' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ríos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'risa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ritmo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rituales' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Rivera' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'roca' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'roce' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rocío' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rock' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rodeos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rojo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rojos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'romántico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'románticos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ropa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ropaje' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ropita' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rosa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Rosa' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rosal' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rosario' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rosas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rostro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rota' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'roto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rotos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rubia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ruedo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ruido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ruinas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rumba' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rumbero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'rumbo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Rusia' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sábado' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sabandija' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'saber' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sabiduría' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sabroso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sacos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sacrificio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sagrado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sal' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sala' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'salida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'saliva' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'salsa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'salud' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'saludo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'salvaje' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'salvajes' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sangre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sanguijuela' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'santo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'santo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'santos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'satisfacción' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Saturno' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'se' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seca' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seco' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'secos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'secreta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'secretamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'secreto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'secreto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'secretos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seguidores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'segundo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'segundo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'segundos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seguro' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seguro' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seguro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seis' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sello' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'selva' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'selvas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'semana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'semejante' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'semen' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'semilla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'señal' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'señales' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'señas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sencillo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'señor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'señora' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'señores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'señorita' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sensación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sentado' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sentido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sentidos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sentimental' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sentimiento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sentimientos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'separación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ser' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seria' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sermón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'servidor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'seso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'severidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sexo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sexto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'shot' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'shots' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'show' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'si' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word '' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'siempre' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'siesta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'siete' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sigilo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'silencio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'silla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'siluetas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'simple' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'simplemente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sin' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sin duda' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sin embargo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sincero' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sinceros' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'siquiera' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sitio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'situación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sobra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sobre' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sociales' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sociedad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sociedades' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sofá' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sol' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Sol' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sola' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'solamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'solas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'soledad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Soledad' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'solitario' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'solo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'solo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sólo' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'solos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'soltera' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'solución' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sombra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sombras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sombrero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'somier' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sonido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sonrisa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sonrisas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sorbos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sorpresa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'su' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suave' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suavecito' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suavemente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'submarino' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sucio' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sudor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suelo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sueño' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sueños' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suerte' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suficiente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sufrimiento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suicida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'superhéroe' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sur' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'sus' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suspiro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'suyo' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'taciturno' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'taco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tacón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tacones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'taíno' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tal' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tal vez' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'talento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'talla' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tallo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'también' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tambores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tampoco' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tan' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tango' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tanque' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tanta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tantas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tanto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tanto' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tanto' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tantos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tarde' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tarde' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tarde' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tardes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tarta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'taxi' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'taxista' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'te' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'teatro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tele' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'telefónico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'teléfono' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'telenovela' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'telepatía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'telón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'temblor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'temor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'temores' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'temperatura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tempestad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'temprano' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tensa' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tentación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tequila' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tequilas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'terapia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tercero' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'terco' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ternura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'terrible' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'terribles' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'terror' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tesoro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'testigo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ti' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tibia' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tiempo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tiempos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tienda' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tierna' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tiernamente' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tierra' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tierras' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Timbuktu' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tímido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tip' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tipo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tiro' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tocador' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'toda' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'todas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'todavía' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'todita' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'todo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'todo' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'todos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tomate' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tonta' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tonterías' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tonto' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tonto' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'toque' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'torero' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tormenta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tormentas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tormento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'torpe' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tortura' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'total' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tóxico' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'trabajo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tráfico' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'trago' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tragos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'traición' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'traje' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'trampas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tranqui' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tranquila' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tranquilidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tranquilizante' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tranquilo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tras' as a Preposition

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'travieso' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'traviesos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tremenda' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tremendo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tren' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'trendy' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tres' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tribu' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'triste' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tristes' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tristeza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tronco' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tropiezos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'trozo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'trucos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tu' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word '' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tumba' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'túnel' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'turbinas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'turista' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'turnos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tus' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tute' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tuya' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tuyas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tuyo' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'tuyos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'uh' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'última' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'un' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'un' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'una' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'una' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'unas' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'única' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'único' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'unidos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'universo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'uno' as a Determiner

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'uno' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'unos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'unos' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'urgente' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'usted' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ustedes' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'uvas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vacaciones' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vacía' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vacío' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vacío' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vaina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vaivén' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'valía' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vallenato' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'valor' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vano' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'variedad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'varios' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'varón' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vascos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vaso' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vaya' as a Interjection

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'veces' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vecina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'veinte' as a Numeral

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vela' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'velas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'velocidad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'velorio' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'veloz' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'venas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vencido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'veneno' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'venenosa' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'Venezuela' as a Proper noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'venganza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ventana' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ventanas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vera' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'verano' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'veranos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'verdad' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'verdadero' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vergüenza' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'versión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'versos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vestido' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vestido' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vez' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viaje' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viajeros' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viceversa' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'víctima' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'victoria' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vida' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vidas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vieja' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viejo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viejos' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viento' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vientre' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viernes' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'villa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'villanos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viña' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vino' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'violento' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'visa' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'visión' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vista' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vitamina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vitrina' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'viva' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vivo' as a Adjective

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vocación' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'voces' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'volante' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'volcán' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'volumen' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vos' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'voz' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vuelo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vuelta' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'vueltas' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'whisky' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'y' as a Conjunction

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ya' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'ya no' as a Adverb

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'yo' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'yo' as a Pronoun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'zapatos' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'zona' as a Noun

Examples of the use of the Spanish word 'zorras' as a Adjective