Uses of the Spanish Word luna

Find examples of text sentences where luna is used as a noun.


Examples where the Spanish word luna is used in the sense of moon

  • Abrazo de luna, de luna llena

    ... which translates to...

    a moon hug, of full moon

    can be found in the lyrics of Brillas by León Larregui

  • Bajo la luna

    ... which translates to...

    Under the moon

    can be found in the lyrics of Burbujas de Amor by Juan Luis Guerra

  • Con la luna en mi nariz

    ... which translates to...

    with the moon on my nose

    can be found in the lyrics of Día de enero by Shakira

  • No habrá manera, ni rayo de luna

    ... which translates to...

    There will be no way, no moonbeam

    can be found in the lyrics of Hasta la raíz by Natalia Lafourcade

  • Conjuró a la luna hasta el amanecer

    ... which translates to...

    Invoked the moon until dawn

    can be found in the lyrics of Hijo de la Luna by Mecano