Uses of the Spanish Word canto

Find examples of text sentences where canto is used as a noun.


Examples where the Spanish word canto is used in the sense of singing

  • (Vamos caminando) Yo canto porque se escucha

    ... which translates to...

    (We are walking) I sing because is heard

    can be found in the lyrics of LATINOAMERICA by CALLE 13

  • Si me miras mientras canto

    ... which translates to...

    If you look at me while I sing

    can be found in the lyrics of Mon Amour by Zzoilo & Aitana


Examples where the Spanish word canto is used in the sense of song

  • Y de gozo se llena mi canto

    ... which translates to...

    And my song is filled with joy

    can be found in the lyrics of Las Avispas by Juan Luis Guerra