Uses of the Spanish Word mujeres

Find examples of text sentences where mujeres is used as a noun.


Examples where the Spanish word mujeres is used in the sense of woman

  • Pa las mujeres que no apagan sus motores

    ... which translates to...

    To the women who don't turn off their engines

    can be found in the lyrics of Gasolina by Daddy Yankee

  • Mujeres, fumada, y caña

    ... which translates to...

    Women, smoke and alcohol

    can be found in the lyrics of Juanito Alimaña by Hector Lavoe

  • Mujeres, fumada, y caña, ese es

    ... which translates to...

    Women, smoke and alcohol, is that one

    can be found in the lyrics of Juanito Alimaña by Hector Lavoe

  • Mujeres, fumada y caña

    ... which translates to...

    Women, smoke and alcohol

    can be found in the lyrics of Juanito Alimaña by Hector Lavoe