Uses of the Spanish Word trozo

Find examples of text sentences where trozo is used as a noun.


Examples where the Spanish word trozo is used in the sense of piece

  • Arrancaste mi corazón, como un trozo de papel

    ... which translates to...

    You ripped my heart, like a piece of paper

    can be found in the lyrics of Mis Ojos Lloran Por Ti by Big Boy

  • Hay un trozo de luz

    ... which translates to...

    There's a ray of light

    can be found in the lyrics of Siempre Me Quedará by Bebe

  • ¿Por qué ha robado un trozo de mi vida?

    ... which translates to...

    Why he stole a piece of my life?

    can be found in the lyrics of ¿Y como es él? by Jose Luis Perales