Uses of the Spanish Word reflejo

Find examples of text sentences where reflejo is used as a noun.


Examples where the Spanish word reflejo is used in the sense of reflection

  • Era un reflejo del sol de medio día

    ... which translates to...

    It was a reflection of the midday sun

    can be found in the lyrics of 20 de Enero by La Oreja de Van Gogh

  • A tocarte sin rozar ni el reflejo de tu piel a contraluz

    ... which translates to...

    To hold you without touching the reflection of your skin against the light

    can be found in the lyrics of Acompáñame a Estar Solo by Ricardo Arjona

  • De su imagen soy un reflejo

    ... which translates to...

    Of His image I am a reflection

    can be found in the lyrics of Las Avispas by Juan Luis Guerra