NOCHE DE PAZ BANDA MS Translation Meaning and Lyrics

Song Meaning

'NOCHE DE PAZ' means 'Peace night' in English. It is a name of a song by 'BANDA MS' human translated here by a native speaker.

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Lyrics and Translations

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Display: Lyrics Word by Word Translations Aligned Translations Free Translations

Test: Typing Test; click in the text boxes on each line and start typing the words! Speech Test; click the links and then say the words!

Lingo Script Icons

Line 1
Original Lyrics: Noche de paz, noche de amor

Typing Test:     ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: night of peace, night of love

Free Translation: Silent night, night of love

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 2
Original Lyrics: Todo duerme alrededor

Typing Test:    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Everything sleeps around

Free Translation: Everything sleeps around

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 3
Original Lyrics: Todo el mundo celebra con fe

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Everyone celebrates with faith

Free Translation: Everyone celebrates with faith

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 4
Original Lyrics: A ese niño nacido en Belén

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: To that child born in Bethlehem

Free Translation: To that baby born in Bethlehem

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 5
Original Lyrics: Con canciones del corazón

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: With songs from the heart

Free Translation: With songs from the heart

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 6
Original Lyrics: Hoy ha nacido el amor

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: today the love has been born

Free Translation: Today love is born

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 7
Original Lyrics: Noche de paz, noche de amor

Typing Test:     ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: night of peace, night of love

Free Translation: Silent night, night of love

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 8
Original Lyrics: Todo duerme alrededor

Typing Test:    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Everything sleeps around

Free Translation: Everything sleeps around

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 9
Original Lyrics: Ni los ángeles quieren cantar

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: neither the angel want to sing

Free Translation: Not even the angels want to sing

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 10
Original Lyrics: Para no despertar al señor

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: So as not to wake up the Lord

Free Translation: So as not to wake up the Lord

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 11
Original Lyrics: Todo es paz en la oscuridad

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Everything is peace in the dark

Free Translation: Everything is peace in the dark

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 12
Original Lyrics: Hoy ha nacido el amor

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: today the love has been born

Free Translation: Today love is born

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 13
Original Lyrics: (De corazón deseamos que estas fechas

Typing Test: (          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: sincerely we wish that these dates

Free Translation: (We sincerely wish that these dates

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 14
Original Lyrics: Esta época y todos los días

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: This time and every day

Free Translation: This time and every day

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 15
Original Lyrics: Estén llenos de amor, de paz, de felicidad

Typing Test:       ,     ,    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: they are full of love of peace, of happiness

Free Translation: Be full of love, peace, happiness

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 16
Original Lyrics: De unión familiar

Typing Test:    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Of family union

Free Translation: Of family union

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 17
Original Lyrics: Te deseamos

Typing Test:  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: we wish you

Free Translation: We wish you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 18
Original Lyrics: Noche de paz, noche de amor

Typing Test:     ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: night of peace, night of love

Free Translation: Silent night, night of love

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 19
Original Lyrics: Todo duerme alrededor

Typing Test:    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Everything sleeps around

Free Translation: Everything sleeps around

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 20
Original Lyrics: Ni los ángeles quieren cantar

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: neither the angel want to sing

Free Translation: Not even the angels want to sing

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 21
Original Lyrics: Para no despertar al señor

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: So as not to wake up the Lord

Free Translation: So as not to wake up the Lord

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 22
Original Lyrics: Todo es paz en la oscuridad

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Everything is peace in the dark

Free Translation: Everything is peace in the dark

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 23
Original Lyrics: Hoy ha nacido el amor

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: today the love has been born

Free Translation: Today love is born

Lingo Script Icons:


"Noche de Paz" by Banda MS. This song is a classic, and Banda MS gives it a unique twist that you won't find elsewhere.

Song Info:

The emotion in this track is something else. It's like a musical hug, warm and comforting. The slow tempo adds a touch of nostalgia, making it perfect for a peaceful evening or a quiet moment with loved ones. Whether you're into Latin music or not, there's something universal about the vibe of "Noche de Paz."

Song Emotion:

For Spanish learners, The lyrics are clear and melodious, making it an excellent tool for picking up the language. Plus, since it's a version of the traditional Christmas carol "Silent Night," you might already know the words in English, which can help with translation.

Interesting facts about the song:

Now, some interesting tidbits about the song: Banda MS manages to blend traditional Mexican sounds with a modern touch, creating a fusion that's both timeless and fresh. It's a testament to their versatility as artists.

Music Video:

As for the music video, it's a visual feast. Picture the band in a festive setting, surrounded by twinkling lights and holiday decorations. It's the kind of video that puts you in the holiday spirit instantly.

Submitted by user: PAULETTEANDRES

Average Ratings

Most people find the song lyrics very easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung very slowly and it has very easy to remember verbs and nouns

Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE

NOCHE DE PAZ has 133 BPM (beats per minute)

NOCHE DE PAZ is suitable for DELE A2 Level students in terms of language complexity.


RAE Based on a median word frequency of 5 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)

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