No te olvides de mi Diana Navarro Translation Meaning and Lyrics
Song Meaning
'No te olvides de mi' means 'Don't Forget About Me' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Diana Navarro' human translated here by a native speaker.
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Free Translation: One has to see, how the Moon burns

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Free Translation: When you're not here

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Free Translation: How heavy the night is in my bed

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Free Translation: If I remember you

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Free Translation: One has to see, how it hurts in my veins

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Free Translation: The love I gave you

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Free Translation: The taste of my last sorrows

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Free Translation: That I thought for you

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Iaiaiaiaiaaaaaaa

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Don't forget about me

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Free Translation: Iaiaiaiaiaaaaaaa

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Free Translation: Aaaaaa

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Free Translation: You see, how pain kills

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Free Translation: The cold and the heat

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Free Translation: How unwelcoming it tastes

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Free Translation: Of the love

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Free Translation: Aaaay

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Free Translation: Aaaay

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Free Translation: Aaaay

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Free Translation: You have to see, how bitter the kisses are

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Free Translation: That I ultimately missed

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Free Translation: How those memories kill

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: That remember about you

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Iaiaiaiaiaaaaaaa

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Don't forget about me

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Iaiaiaiaiaaaaaaa

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Aaaaaa

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Aaaaay

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Aaaaay

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Iaiaiaiaiaaaaaaa

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Free Translation: Don´t you forget about me

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Free Translation: Iaiaiaiaiiaaaah

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Free Translation: Iaiaiaia

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Free Translation: Aaaaaa

"No te olvides de mí" by Diana Navarro
Summary: This song is a heartfelt plea from a heartbroken lover to their departed partner. It's a poignant expression of grief and longing, where the narrator struggles to cope with the loss and desperately wishes to be remembered. The lyrics convey a deep sense of despair and the enduring power of love even in the face of separation.
Interpretation: The song delves into the raw emotions surrounding loss and the enduring impact of love on the human spirit. It explores the themes of mortality, memory, and the enduring power of human connection. The narrator grapples with the pain of separation and the fear of being forgotten, highlighting the profound impact of love on the human psyche.
Song Weaving:
- The song is a powerful ballad with a melancholic melody and passionate vocals. Diana Navarro's voice conveys the depth of emotional pain and longing, effectively capturing the raw emotions of heartbreak.
- The song doesn't explicitly mention a specific location, but it evokes a sense of universal human experience – the pain of loss and the enduring power of love.
- The song reflects on a present state of grief and loss, with the narrator grappling with the aftermath of their loved one's departure.
- The song is sung from the perspective of a heartbroken individual who is struggling to cope with the loss of their beloved.
- The song explores themes of love, loss, grief, memory, mortality, and the enduring human spirit.
Explicit Themes: No, the song does not contain any explicit themes.
Mood: The song is predominantly sad and melancholic, evoking feelings of grief, longing, and despair.
- Diana Navarro Website: Diana Navarro Official Website
- Diana Navarro Twitter: Diana Navarro on Twitter
Submitted by user: ANAJOSE
Average Ratings
Most people find the song lyrics very easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung fast and it has very easy to remember verbs and nouns
Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE
No te olvides de mi has 114 BPM (beats per minute)
No te olvides de mi is suitable for DELE Level students in terms of language complexity.
RAE Based on a median word frequency of 12 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)
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