Esto Es Vida Draco Rosa Translation Meaning and Lyrics
Song Meaning
'Esto Es Vida' means 'This is life' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Draco Rosa' human translated here by a native speaker.
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Lyrics and Translations
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Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Kissing your dark eyes

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Leaving the wounds behind

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Sleeping, sleeping close to your chest

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Close my hand in your hand

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Drinking your sweet saliva

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Put my body in, put my body in your body

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Let's make our house

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: In the sky of a jungle

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Cultivating love in a branch

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And plant stars

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Drinking love every night

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And eat love every day

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Burning the past time

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Leaving everything on the run

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To be completely naked

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And let's make our house

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: In the sky of a jungle

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Cultivating love in a branch

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And plant stars

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Drinking love every night

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And eat love every day

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: in the sky

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: of a jungle

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Cultivating love in a branch

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And plant stars

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Drinking love every night

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And eat love every day

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This is life

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And this is life

★ Song Info:
"Esto es Vida" is a Spanish-language song by Puerto Rican singer-songwriter Draco Rosa, also known as Robi Draco Rosa. It is the lead single from his album "Vida" which was released in 2013. The song features guest vocals by Spanish singer Juan Luis Guerra.
The song received critical acclaim and was well-received by audiences. The song was nominated for several awards, including a Latin Grammy Award for Best Singer-Songwriter Album in 2014. The album "Vida" on which the song appears also won the Latin Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Pop Vocal Album in the same year.
★ Song Emotion:
"Esto es Vida" is a heartfelt and emotional song that speaks about the beauty and preciousness of life. It conveys a message of hope, gratitude, and appreciation for the simple joys in life, urging the listener to cherish and embrace every moment.
This song holds special significance for Draco Rosa as it was written during a challenging time in his life when he was battling cancer. The song reflects his personal journey, capturing his emotions, reflections, and renewed appreciation for life. It conveys a powerful message of resilience, gratitude, and finding joy in the present moment.
★ Spanish Learning Elements:
For Spanish speakers, listening to "Esto es Vida" can be a great way to improve language skills. The song features poetic lyrics with rich vocabulary and metaphors, providing an opportunity to learn new words, expressions, and idioms in context. The song also showcases the fusion of Latin musical genres, such as salsa and merengue, which can help familiarize Spanish learners with different styles of music from the Spanish-speaking world.
★ Interesting Facts about the Song:
The song was written by Draco Rosa after he was diagnosed with cancer and underwent successful treatment. The song reflects his personal journey and his newfound appreciation for life after facing mortality. The song's music video features images of people from all walks of life, emphasizing the universality of the song's message.
Collaboration with Juan Luis Guerra: "Esto es Vida" features guest vocals by Dominican singer-songwriter Juan Luis Guerra, who is known for his fusion of merengue, bachata, and other tropical music genres. The collaboration between Draco Rosa and Juan Luis Guerra adds a unique and captivating element to the song, showcasing the talents of both artists
★ Music Video: The music video for "Esto es Vida" was released in 2013 and features a series of powerful images that visually represent the song's message. The video portrays people of different ages, backgrounds, and walks of life, highlighting the beauty and diversity of humanity, and emphasizing the preciousness of life.
★Social Media of the Artists:
- Instagram: @dracorosa
- Twitter: @RobiDracoRosa
- Facebook: @DracoRosaOfficial
Submitted by user: PAULETTEANDRES
Average Ratings
Most people find the song lyrics very easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung very slowly and it has easy to remember verbs and nouns
Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE
Esto Es Vida has 102 BPM (beats per minute)
RAE Based on a median word frequency of 308 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)
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