Respirar Jesse & Joy Translation Meaning and Lyrics
Song Meaning
'Respirar' means 'Breathe' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Jesse & Joy' human translated here by a native speaker.
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Lyrics and Translations
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Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Stop right there

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Look at my face

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I'm not perfect

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I don't pretend to be

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I failed you

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: You hurt me

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And I regret

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I'm sorry

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: At some point it was a fairytale love

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I can't find it anymore, I feel like I'm losing you

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Let's make the attempt to listen to each other again

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to stop counting

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Fragments of my soul in pieces

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Memories that are suffocating

Typing Test: ¿ ?
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Why did we do so badly?

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to stop fighting

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To come out of this darkness

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And fix what we did

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We told each other

Typing Test: " "
Voice Test:

Free Translation: "In order to breathe again"

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Maybe in the end

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We rescue each other

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: If we already fell

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Let's fly without looking back

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: At some point it was a fairytale love

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Today I can't find it anymore, I feel like I'm losing you

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Let's make the attempt to listen to each other again

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to stop counting

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Fragments of my soul in pieces

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Memories that are suffocating

Typing Test: ¿ ?
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Why did we do so badly?

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to stop fighting

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To come out of this darkness

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And fix what we did

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We told each other

Typing Test: " "
Voice Test:

Free Translation: "In order to breathe again"

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Of your air again

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I just want to breathe

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Maybe

Typing Test: ( )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Together we can be again (Together we can be again)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to stop counting

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Fragments of my soul in pieces

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Memories that are suffocating

Typing Test: ¿ ?
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Why did we do so badly?

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to stop fighting

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To come out of this darkness

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And fix what we did

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We told each other

Typing Test: " "
Voice Test:

Free Translation: "In order to breathe again"

Typing Test: " "
Voice Test:

Free Translation: "In order to breathe again"

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And together to breathe again

Jesse & Joy Respirar's meaning and lyrics explained
Respirar – “Breathe” is a song by the Mexican band Jesse & Joy. It was released in January 2022 and like most of their songs, Respirar tells us about the sad story of a couple that is ready to end their relationship.
Most of Jesse & Joy's songs are about relationships or sad moments in life that you can feel related to because the lyrics speak about what we felt in those moments when our world was crumbling above us.
Respirar take us to the point of view of a girl, who is telling her partner to stop before leaving, she asks him to look at her face so he can see she’s not perfect. She starts talking to him with her heart, saying that she failed him, but he did the same and now she regrets it.
At some point their love was like a fairytale, but now she can’t find that feeling anymore, she wants to amend things with him, she’s tired of counting the pieces of her broken soul, maybe if they try, they will be able to save their relationship, and if it’s not possible at least they will end in good term and they would breathe calmly.
Respirar by Jesse & Joy is a beautiful song, with easy lyrics to practice Spanish and a slow rhythm if you aren’t still used to following the singing. Overall there aren’t difficult sentences and most of the verbs are used in easy-to-understand phrases, recommended for those with mid-level Spanish knowledge.
Submitted by user: ANITA
Average Ratings
Most people find the song lyrics very easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung very slowly and it has very easy to remember verbs and nouns
Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE
Respirar has 101 BPM (beats per minute)
RAE Based on a median word frequency of 872 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)
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