Malas Decisiones Kenia Os Translation Meaning and Lyrics

Song Meaning

'Malas Decisiones' means 'Bad Choices' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Kenia Os' human translated here by a native speaker.

Cloudlingo Script Video

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Lyrics and Translations

'Malas Decisiones' human translated and annotated. Look for notes about interesting vocabulary, language constructions, idioms, changes to transcribed words, grammar rules and general info that our members have discovered

Song is in Spanish which is has full support in the Cloudlingo system. Use the controls below to turn on and off different views of the lyrics and their translations.

Display: Lyrics Word by Word Translations Aligned Translations Free Translations

Test: Typing Test; click in the text boxes on each line and start typing the words! Speech Test; click the links and then say the words!

Lingo Script Icons

Line 1
Original Lyrics: Hace rato que no me sentía así

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It has been a while that I not felt like this

Free Translation: I haven't felt like this in a while.

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 2
Original Lyrics: Solita bailando ponganme otra rola

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Dancing alone Put to me another song

Free Translation: Dancing alone, put on another song for me

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 3
Original Lyrics: No te quito la mirada desde que te vi

Typing Test:                

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Not get off to you the sight since that I saw you

Free Translation: I haven’t taken my eyes off you since I saw you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 4
Original Lyrics: Estoy imaginando el sabor de tu boca

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I'm imagining the taste of your mouth

Free Translation: I’m imagining the taste of your mouth

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 5
Original Lyrics: Un error que se pueda olvidar

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: An error that itself can forget

Free Translation: A mistake that can be forgotten

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 6
Original Lyrics: Ah-ah

Typing Test: -

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Ah-ah

Free Translation: Ah-ah

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 7
Original Lyrics: Que no se acabe la noche,

Typing Test:           ,

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: That not itself ends the night,

Free Translation: May the night never end,

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 8
Original Lyrics: que dure un poco más

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: that it lasts a little more

Free Translation: may it last a little longer

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 9
Original Lyrics: Quiero un shot de tus besos pa' poder recordar

Typing Test:             '    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I want a shot of your kisses to be able to remember

Free Translation: I want a shot of your kisses so I can remember

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 10
Original Lyrics: Las malas decisiones y las que vamos a tomar

Typing Test:                

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: The bad decisions and the ones that we are going to make

Free Translation: The bad decisions and the ones we are going to make

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 11
Original Lyrics: Lo que pase entre nosotros,

Typing Test:         ,

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It that happens between us,

Free Translation: Whatever happens between us,

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 12
Original Lyrics: ninguno lo va a hablar

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: nobody is going to talk it

Free Translation: no one is going to talk about it

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 13
Original Lyrics: que tienes mala fama,

Typing Test:         ,

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I know that you have bad reputation,

Free Translation: I know you have a bad reputation,

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 14
Original Lyrics: pero a también me gusta el drama

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: but I also like the fuss

Free Translation: But I like drama too

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 15
Original Lyrics: No te hagas,

Typing Test:     ,

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't you do,

Free Translation: Do not pretend,

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 16
Original Lyrics: que ya hemos pasado por ahí

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: that we have already passed through there

Free Translation: we’ve already been there

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 17
Original Lyrics: me conoces, yo te conozco

Typing Test:     ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: You know me, I know you

Free Translation: You know me, I know you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 18
Original Lyrics: Con rayos X nos vimos todo

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: With X rays we saw each other everything

Free Translation: We saw everything with X-rays

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 19
Original Lyrics: Sabes lo que pasa cuando estamos solos

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: You know what happens when we are alone

Free Translation: You know what happens when we're alone

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 20
Original Lyrics: Hoy me puse linda para verte,

Typing Test:           ,

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Today I got pretty to see you,

Free Translation: Today I got pretty to see you,

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 21
Original Lyrics: y que estás con suerte

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: and you that are with luck

Free Translation: and you got lucky

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 22
Original Lyrics: No quiero tequila quiero a ese,

Typing Test:           ,

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I don't want tequila I want to that one,

Free Translation: I don’t want tequila, I want that boy,

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 23
Original Lyrics: que yo ni qué tiene

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: that I don't even know what it has

Free Translation: that I don't even know what he got

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 24
Original Lyrics: Hoy me puse linda para verte

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Today I got pretty to see you

Free Translation: Today I got pretty to see you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 25
Original Lyrics: Y que estás con suerte

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: And you that are with luck

Free Translation: And you got lucky

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 26
Original Lyrics: No quiero tequila quiero a ese

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I don't want tequila I want to that one

Free Translation: I don't want tequila. I want that boy.

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 27
Original Lyrics: Que no se acabe la noche, que dure un poco más

Typing Test:           ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: That doesn't itself ends the night, that it lasts a little more

Free Translation: Let the night not end, let it last a little longer

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 28
Original Lyrics: Quiero un shot de tus besos, pa' poder recordar

Typing Test:           ,   '    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I want a shot of your kisses, to be able to remember

Free Translation: I want a shot of your kisses, so I can remember

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 29
Original Lyrics: Las malas decisiones y las que vamos a tomar

Typing Test:                

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: The bad decisions and the ones that we are going to make

Free Translation: The bad decisions and the ones we are going to make

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 30
Original Lyrics: Lo que pase entre nosotros,

Typing Test:         ,

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It that happens between us,

Free Translation: Whatever happens between us,

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 31
Original Lyrics: ninguno lo va a hablar

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: nobody is going to talk it

Free Translation: no one is going to talk about it

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 32
Original Lyrics: Oh-oh

Typing Test: -

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Oh-oh

Free Translation: Oh-oh

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 33
Original Lyrics: Uh-uh-uh

Typing Test: --

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Uh-uh-uh

Free Translation: Uh-uh-uh

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 34
Original Lyrics: Uh-uh-uh

Typing Test: --

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Uh-uh-uh

Free Translation: Uh-uh-uh

Lingo Script Icons:



  • The song tells the story of a girl who is attracted to a boy who has a bad reputation, but she also likes drama. She wants to spend the night with him and enjoy his kisses, regardless of the consequences. She knows it is a mistake, but also an adventure that she can forget the next day.

  • The song makes me feel curious about the relationship between the protagonists, and also a bit of fun for the carefree and rebellious attitude of the girl. The artist narrates the story with a seductive and defiant tone, using metaphors like “shot of your kisses” or “we saw everything with X-rays”. The song has a catchy and danceable rhythm, that contrasts with the lyrics that talk about bad decisions.

  • The song includes explicit themes, such as casual sex, alcohol and cheating. It is a fun song in terms of its sound and mood, but it also has a sad undertone of regret and emptiness.

  • The song relates to the YouTube video by showing scenes of the girl and the boy in a piramyd-like stage. The girl kisses the boy and then pushes him to an abyss.  The video portrays the atmosphere of temptation and excitement that the song describes.

  • Some links to other sites where the song is discussed are:

  • Some links to the artist’s home page or social media feeds are:


Submitted by user: HERNANDEZJ

Average Ratings

Most people find the song lyrics easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung slowly and it has easy to remember verbs and nouns

Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE

Malas Decisiones has 110 BPM (beats per minute)


RAE Based on a median word frequency of 156 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)

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