Rodolfo El Reno Los Tigres Del Norte Translation Meaning and Lyrics
Song Meaning
'Rodolfo El Reno' means 'Rudolph the Reindeer' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Los Tigres Del Norte' human translated here by a native speaker.
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Lyrics and Translations
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Free Translation: May the spirit of Christmas

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Free Translation: Reign in their homes

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: And in their hearts

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: There was a time Rudolph a Rhine

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: That he had the nose

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Red as scarlet

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: And of a singular brightness

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: All his friends

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: They were laughing non-stop

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: And our good friend

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Lonely and sad he stayed

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: But Christmas has arrived

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Santa Claus came down

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: And he chose Rudolph

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Because of his unique nose

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Pulling the sleigh

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Rudolph was a sensation

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: And since that moment

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: All mockery finished

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: But Christmas has arrived

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Santa Claus came down

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And he chose Rudolph

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Because of his unique nose

Typing Test: , , ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We wish you peace, health, love, joy

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And a lot of happiness

Typing Test: ¡ !
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Merry Christmas!

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: There was a time Rudolph a Rhine

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: That he had the nose

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Red as scarlet

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And of a singular brightness

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: All his friends

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: They were laughing non-stop

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And our good friend

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Lonely and sad he stayed

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: But Christmas has arrived

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Santa Claus came down

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And he chose Rudolph

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Because of his unique nose

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Pulling the sleigh

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Rudolph was a sensation

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And since that moment

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: All mockery finished

Typing Test: ¡ !
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Merry Christmas!

Song Info: "Era Rodolfo el Reno" is a cheerful adaptation of the beloved Christmas tune "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Los Tigres del Norte, renowned for their Norteño and Corrido music, add their own magic touch, turning it into a lively and culturally rich celebration.
Song Emotion: The song oozes joy and merriment, blending the infectious energy of Los Tigres del Norte with the timeless charm of a Christmas classic. It's like a musical fiesta that'll make you want to dance around the Christmas tree.
Learning Facts for Spanish Students: For Spanish learners, this song is a treasure trove of language gems. The lyrics offer a playful way to pick up vocabulary and phrases, making it an enjoyable tool for those looking to brush up on their Spanish during the holiday season.
Interesting Facts about the Song: Did you know that Los Tigres del Norte are one of the most influential and successful Latin music bands, with a career spanning several decades? This collaboration adds a festive chapter to their impressive repertoire.
Music Video Description: Picture this: a vibrant winter wonderland where Rodolfo, with his rojo nariz, takes center stage. The music video is a visual feast, blending traditional Christmas imagery with the vibrant colors and sounds of Mexican culture. It's like a festive journey that transcends borders.
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Submitted by user: PAULETTEANDRES
Average Ratings
Most people find the song lyrics very easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung slowly and it has very easy to remember verbs and nouns
Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE
Rodolfo El Reno has 94 BPM (beats per minute)
Rodolfo El Reno is suitable for DELE A2 Level students in terms of language complexity.
RAE Based on a median word frequency of 592 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)
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