Despacito Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee Translation Meaning and Lyrics
Song Meaning
'Despacito' means 'Slowly' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee' human translated here by a native speaker.
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Lyrics and Translations
'Despacito' human translated and annotated. Look for notes about interesting vocabulary, language constructions, idioms, changes to transcribed words, grammar rules and general info that our members have discovered
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Free Translation: Ah

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Fonsi

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: DY

Typing Test: -
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Oh-oh

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Oh no, oh no (oh)

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Hey yeah

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Diridiri, dirididi Daddy

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Go

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Yeah, you know I've been looking at you for a while.

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I have to dance with you today (DY)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I saw that your gaze was already calling me

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Show me the path I go

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Oh

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: You, you are the magnet and I am the metal

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I'm going closer and I'm going to organise the plan

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Just with thinking about it gets the pulse going

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Oh yeah

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Already, already I'm liking it more than usual

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: All my sense are asking for more

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: This must be taken without any hurry

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Slowly

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to breathe your neck slowly

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Let me say things into your ear

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: So that you can remember if your not with me

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Slowly

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to undress you with kisses slowly

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Sign the walls of your labyrinth

Typing Test: (, , )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And make your body a whole manuscript (go up, go up, go up)

Typing Test: (, )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: (Up, up) Oh

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to see your hair dance

Typing Test: (-) (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to be your rythym

Typing Test: (-) (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: That you teach to my mouth

Typing Test: (-) (, )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Your favourite places

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Let me overpass

Typing Test: (-) (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Your danger zones

Typing Test: (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To make you moan

Typing Test: (, )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And that you forget your surname

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I know you're thinking about it

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I've been trying for a long time

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Mam this is giving and giving it

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: You know that your heart with me makes you bam bam

Typing Test: '
Voice Test:

Free Translation: You know that babe is searching for my bam bam

Typing Test: (-)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Come try my mouth to see how it tastes

Typing Test: , ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want I want I want to see how much love you can take

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I'm not in a hurry I want to take the journey

Typing Test: ' ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We start off slow later savage

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Step by step softly very softly

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We go flirting little by little

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: When you kiss me with such skill

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I see that you are malice with delicacy

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Step by step softly very softly

Typing Test: , ( )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We go flirting little by little

Typing Test: ( )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And is it that this beauty is a puzzle

Typing Test: (, )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: But to ride it here I have the piece

Typing Test: (, )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: slowly

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to breathe your neck slowly

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Let me tell you things in your ear (yeh)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: So that you can remember if your not with me

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Slowly

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to undress you to kisses slowly (yeh)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Sign the walls of your labyrinth

Typing Test: (, , )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And to make your body all a manuscript up, up, up

Typing Test: (, )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: (Up, up) Oh

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to see your hair dance

Typing Test: (-) (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to be your rythym

Typing Test: (-) (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: That you teach to my mouth

Typing Test: (-) (, )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Your favorite places (eh-oh) (favorite, favorite baby)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Let me go over

Typing Test: (-) (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Your danger zones (uh-oh) (uh-oh, uh-oh)

Typing Test: (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To make you moan

Typing Test: (-)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And that you forget your surname

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Slowly

Typing Test: '
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We going to do it on a beach in Puerto Rico

Typing Test: ", "
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Until the waves cry Oh God

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: So that my seal stays with you (dance it)

Typing Test: , ( , )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Step by step softly very softly

Typing Test: , ( )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We go flirting little by little

Typing Test: (-) (-, -)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: That you teach to my mouth

Typing Test: (-) (, )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Your favourite places

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Step by step softly very softly

Typing Test: , (-)
Voice Test:

Free Translation: We going to flirt little by little

Typing Test: (-) ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To make you moan

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And that you forget your surname

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Slowly

So Luis is pretty hot on this girl. He's been checking her out, and he must 'dance' with her today. What sort of 'dancing' is left up to your imagination.
He's asking for clues on what to do, and he knows he's getting there, he's getting hot under the collar, and he's getting real excited.
But then he says they need to slow down, get nude together, doing romantic stuff like whispering in her ear, so it's memorable for her.
They he's using pretty flowery language, but basically he wants to get down and dirty with her, so she's bouncing around to his rhythm, there's plenty of oral stuff going down, and his hands are all over the place, and she's loving it. So now it's so mind-blowing she's forgetting even her name. Dang man!
Back to reality... He's not there yet...
His mate Yankee Daddy is giving it, and telling her it's gonna be great - just what she needs. Try my mouth's taste, he says.
The plan is start of slow, flirting. She's an enigma, but he's got the key.
Anyway back to where we were... now they banging away on a beach in his hometown of Puerto Rico, till even the waves are screaming. Dang man!
So this was a massive hit for the boys Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee as we all know. No surprise really; fantastic sound, lovely sexy hot lyrics.
It doesn't use explicit words; but boy are the themes and euphemisms there aplenty.
There are a couple of abbreviations "pa'" for "para" and "empezamos" lost the "s" at the end - easy enough to figure out.
I'm guess on the "pegando" word - but there is a look up for 'flirting' and that seems to make sense.
You can read Luis Fonsi's own commentary on the genius page for this song. Spoiler alert: he's pretty vague about the sexy metaphors. But then we knew that already.
Luis Fonsi, Yankee Daddy (what sort of name is that?) and not forgetting the silent but no doubt fragrant Zuleyka Rivera managed to make a video that is so sexy, yet can be played on TV screens anywhere. Bit of a feat if you ask me. However since it is basically X-rated lyrics, it is not possible to 'act out' the lyrics on the video - so it's all left to your imagination.
The song has had x billion views on YouTube or whatever, up there with dancing Korean, and stimulated millions to try to learn a bit of Spanish. It still sounds OK today, some 4 years after release, but maybe we need to move on a little..... Fonsi? How about a follow up?
Submitted by user: BENDECKO
Average Ratings
Most people find the song lyrics hard to understand lyrics, lyrics sung fast and it has hard to remember verbs and nouns
Many words used are not in common daily usage.RAE
RAE Based on a median word frequency of 3100 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)
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