Rayando El Sol Maná Translation Meaning and Lyrics

Song Meaning

'Rayando El Sol' means 'Reaching the Sun' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Maná' human translated here by a native speaker.

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Lyrics and Translations

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Display: Lyrics Word by Word Translations Aligned Translations Free Translations

Test: Typing Test; click in the text boxes on each line and start typing the words! Speech Test; click the links and then say the words!

Lingo Script Icons

Line 1
Original Lyrics: Rayando el Sol, rayando por ti

Typing Test:     ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Scratching the sun, scratching for you

Free Translation: Reaching the Sun, reaching for you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 2
Original Lyrics: Esta pena me duele, me quema, sin tu amor

Typing Test:       ,     ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: This grief hurts me, it burns me, without your love

Free Translation: This grief hurts me, it burns me, without your love

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 3
Original Lyrics: No me has llamado, estoy desesperado

Typing Test:       ,    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: You haven't called me, I'm desperate

Free Translation: You haven't called me, I'm desperate

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 4
Original Lyrics: Son muchas lunas las que te he llorado

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: There are many moons that I have cried for you

Free Translation: There are many moons that I have cried for you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 5
Original Lyrics: Rayando el Sol, desesperación

Typing Test:     ,  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Scratching the sun, desperation

Free Translation: Reaching the Sun, desperation

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 6
Original Lyrics: Es más fácil llegar al Sol que a tu corazón

Typing Test:                  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It's easier to get to the Sun than to your heart

Free Translation: It's easier to get to the Sun than to your heart

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 7
Original Lyrics: Me muero por ti, viviendo sin ti

Typing Test:       ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I'm dying for you, living without you

Free Translation: I'm dying for you, living without you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 8
Original Lyrics: Y no aguanto, me duele tanto estar así

Typing Test:     ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: And I can't stand it, it hurts me so much to be like this

Free Translation: And I can't stand it, it hurts me so much to be like this

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 9
Original Lyrics: Rayando el Sol

Typing Test:    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Scratching the Sun

Free Translation: Reaching the Sun

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 10
Original Lyrics: A tu casa, yo fui y no te encontré

Typing Test:     ,            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: To your house, I went and I didn't find you

Free Translation: To your house, I went and I didn't find you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 11
Original Lyrics: En el parque, en la plaza, en el cine, yo te busqué

Typing Test:     ,       ,       ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: In the park, in the square, in the cinema, I looked for you

Free Translation: In the park, in the square, in the cinema, I looked for you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 12
Original Lyrics: Te tengo atrapada entre mi piel y mi alma

Typing Test:                

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I've got you trapped between my skin and my soul

Free Translation: I've got you trapped between my skin and my soul

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 13
Original Lyrics: Más, ya no puedo, tanto y quiero estar junto a ti

Typing Test: ,       ,              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: More, I can't anymore, so much and I want to be with you

Free Translation: I can't anymore, so much and I want to be with you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 14
Original Lyrics: Rayando el Sol, desesperación

Typing Test:     ,  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Scratching the sun, desperation

Free Translation: Reaching the Sun, desperation

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 15
Original Lyrics: Es más fácil llegar al Sol que a tu corazón

Typing Test:                  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It's easier to get to the Sun than to your heart

Free Translation: It's easier to get to the Sun than to your heart

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 16
Original Lyrics: Oh, me muero por ti, viviendo sin ti

Typing Test: ,         ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Oh, I'm dying for you, living without you

Free Translation: Oh, I'm dying for you, living without you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 17
Original Lyrics: Y no aguanto, me duele tanto estar así

Typing Test:     ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: And I can't stand it, it hurts me so much to be like this

Free Translation: And I can't stand it, it hurts me so much to be like this

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 18
Original Lyrics: Rayando el Sol

Typing Test:    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Scratching the Sun

Free Translation: Reaching the Sun

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 19
Original Lyrics: Rayando el Sol, desesperación

Typing Test:     ,  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Scratching the sun, desperation

Free Translation: Reaching the Sun, desperation

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 20
Original Lyrics: Es más fácil llegar al Sol que a tu corazón

Typing Test:                  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It's easier to get to the Sun than to your heart

Free Translation: It's easier to get to the Sun than to your heart

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 21
Original Lyrics: Rayando por ti

Typing Test:    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Scratching for you

Free Translation: Reaching for you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 22
Original Lyrics: (Rayando)

Typing Test: ()

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: (Scratching)

Free Translation: (Reaching)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 23
Original Lyrics: Uh, rayando, rayando el Sol

Typing Test: ,   ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Uh, scratching, scratching the Sun

Free Translation: Uh, reaching, reaching the Sun

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 24
Original Lyrics: (Rayando)

Typing Test: ()

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: (Scratching)

Free Translation: (Reaching)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 25
Original Lyrics: Ay, ay, ay, ay, rayando el Sol

Typing Test: ,   ,   ,   ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Ay, ay, ay, ay, scratching the Sun

Free Translation: Ay, ay, ay, ay, reaching the Sun

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 26
Original Lyrics: (Rayando)

Typing Test: ()

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: (Scratching)

Free Translation: (Reaching)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 27
Original Lyrics: (Rayando)

Typing Test: ()

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: (Scratching)

Free Translation: (Reaching)

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 28
Original Lyrics: Rayando por ti

Typing Test:    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Scratching for you

Free Translation: Reaching for you

Lingo Script Icons:


Maná Rayando el Sol's meaning and lyrics explained

Rayando el Sol – (Reaching the Sun) is a popular song by the Mexican band Maná. The song was released in 1990 and the band said that Rayando el Sol saved their musical career. Before launching Rayando el Sol Maná was having bad luck with their other song, many of them didn’t have popularity and they were considering abandoning music, however, Rayando el Sol revived their career and is among the most iconic song.

Rayando el Sol's lyrics and meaning aren’t complicated at all, the song tells us a romantic ballad that does a simple comparison between the love of a girl and the sun. the song says that is easier to reach the sun than the girl’s heart. The meaning of the song is the feeling when a man tries to make a girl fall in love, how difficult can it be sometimes, the man from the lyrics falls into desperation because he can reach the sun but he can’t make the girl to notices him. He dies for her and does everything he can yet to no avail because the girl is making herself difficult so he has to try more.

Rayando el Sol is a classical Spanish rock song, it has some ballad and pop influence in the rhythm, but overall, the lyrics are easy to understand although it was necessary to understand what “Rayando el Sol” means, you find the explanation above. The singing is slow-paced and clear so you won’t have any problems following the lyrics. A fantastic song to practice Spanish and to know more about the language's iconic musical pieces. 

Submitted by user: ANITA

Average Ratings

Most people find the song lyrics very easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung very slowly and it has hard to remember verbs and nouns

Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE

Rayando El Sol has 113 BPM (beats per minute)


RAE Based on a median word frequency of 827 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)

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