Flor de invernadero Nino Bravo Translation Meaning and Lyrics
Song Meaning
'Flor de invernadero' means 'Greenhouse flower' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Nino Bravo' human translated here by a native speaker.
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Free Translation: Flower born in a garden

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Free Translation: winter, glass,

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Free Translation: that you grew sad

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Free Translation: under a cold ray of sunshine.

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Free Translation: You who thought wrong

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Free Translation: that love was sin

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Free Translation: and you put so much effort

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Free Translation: in keeping your charms.

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Free Translation: Don't let the weather

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Free Translation: greenhouse flower

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Free Translation: come and wither you

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Free Translation: and burn your dreams like this.

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Free Translation: Come with me and fly

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Free Translation: where the sun shines the brightest

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Free Translation: You never heard

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Free Translation: the source of the gossip

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Free Translation: nor did you envy the flight

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Free Translation: of the lark, nor its freedom.

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Free Translation: You never felt the rain

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Free Translation: whip your face

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Free Translation: nor the caress of the wind

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Free Translation: your sorrow made you glad.

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Free Translation: I don't want you to be

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Free Translation: greenhouse flower

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Free Translation: I do not want you to die

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Free Translation: without having seen the sky

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: Come with me and fly

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: where the sun shines the brightest

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Free Translation: Come with me

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Free Translation: I will show you

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Free Translation: the most beautiful

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Free Translation: of love

I don't suppose Nino Bravo was actually singing to a flower in a green house, he sings with such passion, it would be hard to believe a flower could engender such emotion.
Without interpreting the lyrics however, it's a song about a flower that's grown up inside a green house during the winter. It's never experienced wind or rain. It does seem like quite a placid flower; as it nothing seems to have phased it.
Nino is keen to get it to come with him and see bright sunshine and the beauty of the sky and show it true love. He may be talking to a woman too, of course; maybe to a woman whose been locked away for some reason.
It's a absolute classic late 60s/early 70s song - kind of a Spanish Elvis/early Pink Floyd sound with big band orchestration - and Nino bangs it out beautifully. Real shivers down the spine stuff. Wonderful. It is a little sad, and I'm no musician, but I think there's a fair amount of minor key in the sound-track.
The video from YouTube is some old still snaps of Nino Bravo.
The lyrics are not the normal run of the mill love song's vocabularly either. I learnt many new words here:
'Invernadero' - the title (and the reason I found this song because every time a builder comes round and I can never remember the word for green house) in Spanish it seems to mean 'summer-maker'. From 'verano' meaning summer, and the -dero suffix meaning 'maker'. Don't confuse it with the word 'invierno' which means winter!
Also 'empeño' - meaning effort, 'pecado' meaning sin, and 'marchite' meaning wither.
Couple of nice conjugations: pusiste & escuchaste for past imperfect poner and escuchar you-form.
There's some subjunctive use for fan's of that.
I'd never heard of Nino Bravo before - seems his life was cut short by a car accident. What a shame - this is a wonderful song.
There is a museum near Valencia that I might pop into next time I'm down on the coast.
Submitted by user: BENDECKO
Average Ratings
Most people find the song lyrics easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung slowly and it has easy to remember verbs and nouns
Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE
Flor de invernadero has 124 BPM (beats per minute)
RAE Based on a median word frequency of 470 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)
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