Tu Mirada Reik Translation Meaning and Lyrics
Song Meaning
'Tu Mirada' means 'Your look' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Reik' human translated here by a native speaker.
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Lyrics and Translations
'Tu Mirada' human translated and annotated. Look for notes about interesting vocabulary, language constructions, idioms, changes to transcribed words, grammar rules and general info that our members have discovered
Song is in Spanish which is has full support in the Cloudlingo system. Use the controls below to turn on and off different views of the lyrics and their translations.
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Test: Typing Test; click in the text boxes on each line and start typing the words! Speech Test; click the links and then say the words!
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Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I was not searching for anything,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I was walking thoughtlessly,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: But when I saw your face,
Typing Test: .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I could not move away.
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I was not expecting it,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And I did not know how to react,
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I could not find neither the words
Typing Test: .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Or the moment to speak.
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And your look
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Took my breath away,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: It burns my soul,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And it makes my heart beat faster,
Typing Test: .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I am losing control.
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I have everything at stake,
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I sense that I cannot wait
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Take me into your dreams,
Typing Test: ' .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And don't ever leave me.
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Your look fell on my skin
Typing Test: ' ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And once more it's burning me,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: When you come undone,
Typing Test: ' .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I no longer know what's coming next.
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: You always say so much
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: When you look again,
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: But you are like air
Typing Test: .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Impossible to trap.
Typing Test: ' ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: It's a strategy,
Typing Test: , ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: An intrigue, nothing more,
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I will make it in a way that the mystery
Typing Test: .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Will reveal you more and more.
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And your look
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Took my breath away,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: It burns my soul,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And it makes my heart beat faster,
Typing Test: .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I am losing control.
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I have everything at stake,
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I sense that I cannot wait
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Take me into your dreams,
Typing Test: ' .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And don't ever leave me.
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Your look fell on my skin
Typing Test: ' ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And once more it's burning me,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: When you come undone,
Typing Test: ' .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I no longer know what's coming next.
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And your look
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Took my breath away,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: It burns my soul,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And it makes my heart beat faster,
Typing Test: .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: I am losing control.
Typing Test:
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And your look
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: Took my breath away,
Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:
Free Translation: It burns my soul,
Typing Test: .
Voice Test:
Free Translation: And it makes my heart beat faster.
it was an easy song to translate and understand
Submitted by user: ARIMARAVE
Average Ratings
Most people find the song lyrics easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung fast and it has hard to remember verbs and nouns
Many words used are not in common daily usage.RAE
Tu Mirada has 127 BPM (beats per minute)
RAE Based on a median word frequency of 78048 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)
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