La gata bajo la lluvia Rocío Dúrcal Translation Meaning and Lyrics

Song Meaning

'La gata bajo la lluvia' means 'The Cat Under the Rain' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Rocío Dúrcal' human translated here by a native speaker.

Cloudlingo Script Video

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Lyrics and Translations

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Display: Lyrics Word by Word Translations Aligned Translations Free Translations

Test: Typing Test; click in the text boxes on each line and start typing the words! Speech Test; click the links and then say the words!

Lingo Script Icons

Line 1
Original Lyrics: Amor

Typing Test:

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Love

Free Translation: Love

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 2
Original Lyrics: Tranquilo, no te voy a molestar

Typing Test: ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Relax! I'm not going to bother you

Free Translation: Relax, I'm not going to bother you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 3
Original Lyrics: Mi suerte estaba echada, ya lo

Typing Test:       ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: My luck was thrown, I already know

Free Translation: My fate was sealed, I know that

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 4
Original Lyrics: Y que hay un torrente dando vueltas por tu mente

Typing Test:                    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: And I know that there is a torrent giving turns through your mind

Free Translation: And I know there's a torrent going through your mind.

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 5
Original Lyrics: Amor

Typing Test:

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Love

Free Translation: Love

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 6
Original Lyrics: Lo nuestro solo fue casualidad

Typing Test:        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: The ours was only coincidence

Free Translation: Our love was just a coincidence

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 7
Original Lyrics: La misma hora, el mismo boulevard

Typing Test:     ,      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: The same time, the same boulevard

Free Translation: Same time, same boulevard

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 8
Original Lyrics: No temas, no hay cuidado, no te culpo del pasado

Typing Test:   ,       ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Don't fear, there's not care, I don't blame you of the past

Free Translation: Don't fear, it's OK, I don't blame you for the past.

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 9
Original Lyrics: Ya lo ves, la vida es así

Typing Test:     ,        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Now you see it the life is that way

Free Translation: You see, life is like that

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 10
Original Lyrics: te vas y yo me quedo aquí

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: You leave and I stay here

Free Translation: You leave and I'll stay here

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 11
Original Lyrics: Lloverá, y ya no seré tuya

Typing Test: ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It will rain, and I will no longer be yours

Free Translation: It will rain, and I will no longer be yours

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 12
Original Lyrics: Seré la gata bajo la lluvia

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I will be the cat under the rain

Free Translation: I will be the cat under the rain

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 13
Original Lyrics: Y maullaré por ti

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: And I will meow for you

Free Translation: And I will meow for you

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 14
Original Lyrics: Amor

Typing Test:

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Love

Free Translation: Love

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 15
Original Lyrics: Lo sé, no digas nada, de verdad

Typing Test:   ,       ,    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I know it don't say anything, of truth

Free Translation: I know, don't say anything, really.

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 16
Original Lyrics: Si ves alguna lágrima, perdón

Typing Test:       ,  

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: If you see any tear, sorry

Free Translation: If you see any tears, sorry

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 17
Original Lyrics: Ya que no has querido hacer llorar a un gato herido

Typing Test:                      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I already know that you haven't meant to make a hurt cat cry

Free Translation: I know you didn't want to make a wounded cat cry

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 18
Original Lyrics: Amor

Typing Test:

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Love

Free Translation: Love

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 19
Original Lyrics: Si alguna vez nos vemos por ahí

Typing Test:            

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: If we see one another any time anywhere

Free Translation: Love, if we see each other anywhere

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 20
Original Lyrics: Invítame a un café y hazme el amor

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Invite me to a cafe and make love to me

Free Translation: Invite me to a cafe and make love to me

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 21
Original Lyrics: Y si ya no vuelvo a verte ojalá que tengas suerte

Typing Test:                    

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: And if I don't see you anymore again I hope that you have luck

Free Translation: And if I don't see you again, I hope you have good luck

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 22
Original Lyrics: Ya lo ves, la vida es así

Typing Test:     ,        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Now you see it the life is that way

Free Translation: You see, life is like that

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 23
Original Lyrics: te vas y yo me quedo aquí

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: You leave and I stay here

Free Translation: You leave and I'll stay here

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 24
Original Lyrics: Lloverá, y ya no seré tuya

Typing Test: ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It will rain, and I will no longer be yours

Free Translation: It will rain, and I will no longer be yours

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 25
Original Lyrics: Seré la gata bajo la lluvia

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I will be the cat under the rain

Free Translation: I will be the cat under the rain

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 26
Original Lyrics: Ya lo ves, la vida es así

Typing Test:     ,        

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: Now you see it the life is that way

Free Translation: You see, life is like that

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 27
Original Lyrics: te vas y yo me quedo aquí

Typing Test:              

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: You leave and I stay here

Free Translation: You leave and I'll stay here

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 28
Original Lyrics: Lloverá, y ya no seré tuya

Typing Test: ,          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: It will rain, and I will no longer be yours

Free Translation: It will rain, and I will no longer be yours

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 29
Original Lyrics: Seré la gata bajo la lluvia

Typing Test:          

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: I will be the cat under the rain

Free Translation: I will be the cat under the rain

Lingo Script Icons:

Line 30
Original Lyrics: Y maullaré por ti

Typing Test:      

Voice Test:

Aligned Translation: And I will meow for you

Free Translation: And I will meow for you

Lingo Script Icons:


The lyrics are about a heartbroken woman. She sings about how she has no remorse with the guy that left her, and how much she still loves him. She even describes herself as a "cat  under the rain".

This is a classic in Latin music. It is a pretty old song, yet it's still pretty well-known. It makes me feel sad, but the message and the emotion are powerful.

It mentions something about making love, but I wouldn't call that explicit.

The video features the singer performing on stage. She has an orchestra behind her and she just sings her heart out.

Please learn more about Rocío Dúrcal here

Submitted by user: HERNANDEZJ

Average Ratings

Most people find the song lyrics easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung very slowly and it has easy to remember verbs and nouns

Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE

La gata bajo la lluvia has 177 BPM (beats per minute)


RAE Based on a median word frequency of 714 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)

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