Uses of the Spanish Word mía

Find examples of text sentences where mía is used as a pronoun.

Feminine singular of mío

Examples where the Spanish word mía is used in the sense of Feminine singular of mío

  • Amiga mía, lo sé, sólo vives por él

    ... which translates to...

    My friend, I know, you only live for him

    can be found in the lyrics of Amiga Mia by Alejandro Sanz

  • Ay, amiga mía lo sé y él también

    ... which translates to...

    Ay, my friend, I know and so does he

    can be found in the lyrics of Amiga Mia by Alejandro Sanz

  • Amiga mía, no sé qué decir

    ... which translates to...

    My friend, I don't know what to say

    can be found in the lyrics of Amiga Mia by Alejandro Sanz

  • Amiga mía, ojala algún día escuchando mi canción

    ... which translates to...

    My friend, I hope someday listening to my song

    can be found in the lyrics of Amiga Mia by Alejandro Sanz

  • Pero, perdona, amiga mía

    ... which translates to...

    But, forgive me, my friend

    can be found in the lyrics of Amiga Mia by Alejandro Sanz