Bachata En Fukuoka Juan Luis Guerra Translation Meaning and Lyrics
Song Meaning
'Bachata En Fukuoka' means 'Bachata in Fukuoka' in English. It is a name of a song by 'Juan Luis Guerra' human translated here by a native speaker.
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Lyrics and Translations
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Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Tell the morning that my dream is coming

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Voice Test:

Free Translation: What is expected with patience is achieved

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I traveled nine hours to Paris without knowing it

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And I crossed through Russia making a stop in your mouth

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I sang your bachata here in Fukuoka

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And a sunset painted the sky with canvas

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I walked the Momochi beach, my longing

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And a smile escaped my soul

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Here I was taught arigatou gozaimasu

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I sang your bachata here in Fukuoka

Typing Test: ' (' )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To dance with you (to dance)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: It made my day

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to sing with you (I want)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: A bachata in Fukuoka

Typing Test: (' )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: A bachata in Fukuoka (to dream of you)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: In the sea the seagulls

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: With your skin as a coat (I want)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Live bachata in Fukuoka

Typing Test: ( )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And it was time to leave and to say sayonara (with little enthusiasm)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: And a little pigeon landed on my window

Typing Test: ' ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Kon'nichi wa, ohayoo gozaimasu

Typing Test: ' (' )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To dance with you (to dance)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: It made my day

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to sing with you (I want)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: A bachata in Fukuoka

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: A bachata in Fukuoka

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Dreams, of sand in the waves

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Kisses, I was given by your mouth

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I have, stars and roses

Typing Test: ,
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Girl, singing in Fukuoka

Typing Test: ' ( )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: To dance with you (to dance)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: It made my day

Typing Test: ()
Voice Test:

Free Translation: I want to sing with you (I want)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: A bachata in Fukuoka

Typing Test: (' )
Voice Test:

Free Translation: A bachata in Fukuoka (to dream of you)

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: In the sea the seagulls

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: With your skin as a coat

Typing Test:
Voice Test:

Free Translation: Live bachata in Fukuoka

Bachata en Fukuoka lyrics and meaning
Bachata en Fukuoka is a song by the Dominican singer Juan Luis Guerra. The song was released in 2010 and the song has a beautiful story behind it. Originally Juan Luis Guerra wasn’t planning on making the song, he was making a tour around multiple countries and the first one of them was Japan, at first, he didn’t know how it was going to be to sing in Japan, he had never imagined that people with a different language and culture will enjoy his songs that much. He was amazed that Japanese people received him with so much love, they sang his song and even dance bachata. For that reason, he fell in love with Japan and the people from the city of Fukuoka, he walked on Momochi beach and even learned a few Japanese expressions like Arigatou and Konnichiwa.
The video clip tells us the story of an old lady walking on the streets of Fukuoka when from the skies falls a paper that contains the drawing of a flower, the lady analyzes the drawing and something started inside of her that made her happy, the lady runs to pick up a bus and while traveling she turns younger, after a while she drops the bus and pick up a bicycle and drives to the beach of Momochi where she finds her a man who she loves, they dance on the sand that’s about the video clip.
Bachata en Fukuoka lyrics narrate Juan Luis Guerra's experience when he traveled to Fukuoka. He speaks about the 9 hours of flight to Paris, He had to cross through Russia to be able to reach Japan. He discovered that people in Fukuoka were able to dance the bachata. People in Japan taught him certain expressions like: “arigatou gozaimasu”. He felt like he belonged in Japan.
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Submitted by user: ANITA
Average Ratings
Most people find the song lyrics very easy to understand lyrics, lyrics sung very slowly and it has very easy to remember verbs and nouns
Most words used are in very common daily usage.RAE
Bachata En Fukuoka has 133 BPM (beats per minute)
RAE Based on a median word frequency of 18 using the frequency database from the Royal Spanish Academy (La Real Academia Española)
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